Cloud Provider Configuration

Cloud accounts for each organization (tenant) have been created on the three cloud infrastructures that provide resources to the Rhea Consortium’s hybrid cloud platform–Exoscale. An organization’s users share access to these accounts via Nuvla. The organization’s (tenant’s) administrator decides who has access to these credentials.

Cloud Accounts

The general configuration of the cloud accounts follow a hierarchical approach, as shown in the diagram below.

Account Configurations

For Exoscale, there is a top-level organization that owns and manages all the Buyers Group tenants. On each tenant then, the respective organization administrator is also given ownership.

With this setup, it is ensured that all the cloud accounts will be automatically setup in Nuvla, given that users have the necessary rights to provision resources.

Granting Access

To grant access to the shared credentials and to allow users to deploy applications on the clouds, each account manager should:

  1. Login to SixSq’s Federated Identity Portal
  2. Select the users (or groups of users) who need provisioning access, and assign them with the role can_deploy (which has already been created).
Account Configurations

Once this is done, the affected users will automatically get access to the cloud credentials for Exoscale in Nuvla. The assignment of groups or roles is done during the login process, so users may have to logout and login again to have access to new groups or roles.